Chamber News

Read about what’s happening in and around Sparwood.

Ugly Sweater Contest

Tis the season to start making, buying or dusting off your ugliest Christmas Sweater! Join us on December 15th for National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Register your business and we will stop by in our ugliest attire and hand out some prizes to the best, ugliest, tinsel-iest, brightest sweater.

TOP 3 Nominee’s

Here are the 2023 Sparwood Chamber of Commerce Business Awards: Top 3 Nominee’s!

Winners will be announced October 20th


Job Opportunity for EVEI

Job Opportunity:
Full-time position comprising of all 3 projects as detailed below
The Forest Recovery Advisor will work with industry and partners to prepare for industry shifts and support long-term economic diversification. This position is funded by ESTI-BC and is in partnership with the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce and Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce.
Under the direction of the Chair of the Elk Valley Economic Initiative, provide professional support services to the Elk Valley Economic committee by performing a variety of confidential management and administrative duties in addition to supporting board work, organizing meetings, and acting as a liaison between the Elk Valley Economic Initiative and other agencies.
This job is a collaborative and regional project focused on ensuring a successful transition to sustainable economic development model in the Elk Valley. This position is funded by ESTI-BC, in partnership with Elk Valley Economic Initiative.
Please forward a resume and cover letter to

Sparwood Chamber of Commerce Business Awards

Please help us recognize and support our local businesses by voting for your favourite! Click this link to vote online

Voting ends October 13th and winners will be announced October 19th at the Business Awards Gala hosted at the Causeway Bay Hotel.

For tickets, please contact the Chamber @ 250-425-2423



Sparwood Chamber EXPO

We regret to inform you that our Board & Staff made the difficult decision to cancel the EXPO. We did not have the response we expected and with time limits on cancellation policies, we had to cancel. Hopefully we can have a successful EXPO next year!

Please join us for the first annual Sparwood Chamber EXPO, September 15th & 16th at the Sparwood Leisure Centre in the Curling Rink. All Elk Valley businesses are welcome! For more information please email Andrea at or Bev at

If you are interested in signing up, please fill out the pdf that’s attached and send it to either Andrea or Bev

We hope to see you there!

Expo 2023

We’re Hiring!

Summer Student positions available at the Sparwood Visitor Centre starting in June! Competitive wages and fun environment! Email your resume to or stop by in person.

Social Media Workshop

The Sparwood Chamber is putting on a series of Workshops throughout the year.. for FREE for YOU! Join the Facebook group to find out all the details throughout the year!
The first workshop is all about Social Media. Hosted by Desiree from Moonlight Flowers & Boutique

March 29th @ 6:30pm at The Sparwood Chamber of Commerce – downstairs meeting room

Sparwood Chamber 2023 AGM

Please join us on February 23rd at the Causeway Bay for Lunch and AGM! Seats are limited, so please RSVP by phoning Andrea @ 250-425-2423 or email


2023 Membership Drive

Invoices for your 2023 Sparwood Chamber Membership will be going out this week! Be sure to pay early to get entered to win some prizes!

Non-Profit Development Series

Join us for a 4 part Non-Profit Development Series!

We’re opening our doors to any and all non-profits or board members that want to expand their knowledge with this Non-Profit Board Development Series! Give us a call or email if you would like to join us!
Pssst.. ITS FREE!!
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FJMES Read-A-Thon Fundraising

Calling all local businesses! FJMES Students, Staff and PAC are fundraising for a new playground! They will also be making it fully inclusive, so that those with mobility challenges can have fun and be included! How amazing!
Please see the flyer for ways to donate!